Thousands of dollars are spent at conferences in hopes of finding a qualified lead. Our technology makes it fun for conference attendees to give you their contact information.
We’ve created a trivia game you can customize and incent people to play by offering prizes.
How It Works
- The user gets an email directing them to URL to play the game
- They are able to add an icon to their home screen
- You can brand the game to match your firms look and feel
- The user is directed to a page to create an account or log in
- Once logged in, the user can play the game once each day
- You pick how many times a day or how many days the game can be played.
- You pick how many questions each game will have
- Questions are randomly selected for each game
- You can add new questions as often as you like
The leader board shows the top scores based on the number of correct questions; latest game and overall scores each day are shown.
Base Modules
AuctionConneX offers the following great features:
- Browse and select the memoribilia you want to win
- Create an account
- You are sent a text if your maximum bid is surpassed
- You can increase your maximum bid in hopes of winning the item
- You are notified that you are the winner and can pick up your item at the venue
From the Dashboard you can
- Instantly check how many people are using the game, what they are looking at and what smartphone they are using
- Add, delete or edit questions