FanCaptions is an inexpensive, proven solution that provides closed captioning to the hearing impaired on an Apple iPod Touch.
You provide the person to type what the PA announcer says, the iPod Touch, and the connection to the internet. FanCaptions provides the captioning entry console and the captioning application that appears on the iPod Touch. No need to use valuable display space for the small number of hearing impaired fans.
The FanCaptions Dashboard is the brains of the application.
How It Works
You are provided a unique log in and password to an admin console. This is where you add all the venue specific content as it’s happening; either by typing what the PA announcer is saying or taking the game day script and doing a copy / paste.
Hearing impaired fans can view the captioning either on an iPod Touch or by using their own smartphone web browser. The application is accessible via either a cell network or WiFi.
From the Dashboard you can:
- Instantly check how many fans are using FanConneX, what they are looking at and what smartphone they are using
- Add, delete or edit trivia or hangman game questions
- Upload new sponsor banners and promotions
- Announce promotions during the game
- Upload recap videos; big hits, great tackles, awesome plays
- Add upcoming events to the calendar