Your customers are more connected than ever before. They are using their mobile devices for everything from snapping photos, finding directions, communicating with friends & getting up to the minute information. They are in the moment, and accessing content that will enhance their experience.
Connecting with your users and ensuring they have a great experience in your venue, or at your event has never been more important. Fans want to feel connected to their team, and are using their mobile devices to plug themselves into the action.
Creating the most robust and satisfying experience can make the difference between a happy fan and a lost customer. It can make the difference in purchasing tickets, upgrading services, or even returning all together.
We are mobile user experts. We will get your content into their hands – and make it fun & appealing. Giving your users an experience that keeps them coming back for more is what FanConnex is all about.
We create hybrid apps that make cumbersome downloads obsolete. Your content stays fresh & up to the moment with a simple bookmark. Stream replays, add commentary, order food, run interactive games or loop in twitter conversations. It’s all up to you. Let us work with you to get the most satisfying experience.